Program Topic:
88 DATE: Recordings by ten pianists, from Cuba, France, Italy, Switzerland and the United States. Half of this evening’s compositions are by Thelonious Monk.
Artist: Francois Ingold
Album: Song Garden
Tune: Black Trombone
Label: Altrisuoni
Artist: Lewis Porter, Furiosi di Castri, Fabrizio Sferra
Album: Italian Encounter
Tune: Again and Again
Label: Altrisuoni
Artist: Lenore Raphael
Album: Invitation
Tune: Blues for O. P.
Label: LR
Artist: Roberto Fonseca
Album: Zamazu
Tune: Clandestino
Label: Enja
Artist: Robert Irving III
Album: New Momentum
Tune: Seven Steps to Heaven
Label: Sonic Portraits
Artist: Robert Irving III
Album: New Momentum
Tune: We Three Kings
Label: Sonic Portraits
Artist: Andy Emler
Album: West In Peace
Tune: Les Ions Sauvages
Label: Nocturne
Artist: Manuel Engel
Album: M E 3
Tune: Round Midnight
Label: Metonic
Artist: Alessandro D’Episcopo
Album: Meraviglioso
Tune: Ugly Beauty
Label: Altrisuoni
Artist: Alessandro D’Episcopo
Album: Meraviglioso
Tune: Rhythm-A-Ning
Label: Altrisuoni
Artist: Jacques Chanier, Jeff Galindo
Album: Access Renewed
Tune: Well You Needn’t
Label: JC
Artist: Monk’s Music
Album: Monk on Mondays
Tune: Something In Blue
Label: CMB
Artist: Monk’s Music
Album: Monk on Mondays
Tune: Locomotive
Label: CMB
Artist: Monk’s Music
Album: Monk on Mondays
Tune: Brake’s Sake
Label: CMB
“In A Mellow Tone” is on CKCU every Wednesday from 9:00 to 11:00pm
at 93.1FM in Ottawa
and around the world on the Internet at
Earlier playlists can be found at: